Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Censorship in the Hoosier State - Story #2

My fiance forwarded a story (here's the older but more complete story) about an experienced teacher in Indiana who was teaching at-risk high school students English. After reading some other books, she found a sponsor to buy over 100 copies of the Freedom Writers Diary (no famous for the movie by a similar name). She got suspended for passing them out after getting tired of waiting for permission from the school board. She sent home permission slips to the parents and all but one student returned a signed slip.

If I understand this correctly, the more recent story is that she gets to keep her job, but can't go back into the classroom until next year (fall 2009), but will get paid.

There may be more to this story, but I can't find anything that comes to the defense of the school board.

All I can say is, "What is up with you Indiana???"

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